Tuesday, January 12, 2021

My Perfect Teacher

 Every person is impressed, imprinted, and influenced by someone who is inspiring and constructive to the extent of hoping and having the great desire and urge to be like him in the future. Everyone has someone to look up to and consider a role model to cherish and to appreciate. My science teacher, Miss Darine, is this person. She is my role model in this life due to her exterior as well as her internal beauty. There are some teachers, who hardly ever make an impact on, or touch someone’s life enough to change it for the better. Some just go through life teaching. But there are some that alter a person’s life and imprint him for eternity. She was the kind of person that everyone loved. She never asked too much or expected too much. As I look back on my days at Hassan Kasser High School, I remember what an impact this woman had on my life.

If I Were a Counsellor.....


         If I were the counsellor of the school, I would stop all that by giving an advice for this new comer to give their mean comments a deaf ear and to ignore what such bullies would say. And I would be having a serious talk with those snobberies about human behavior and the importance of equilibrium between people on earth because we are all born equal and we will stay equal till the end. In brief, every school should have a counsellor encouraging this issue and making sure that all the students are having their rights without being discriminated because in Gods eyes we are all equal and someday we'll all have perfect wings.

Something to Value

         Family is one of the most valuable and irreplaceable things that one will be blessed with in a lifetime. Family is always there no matter what the problem may be. However, family members do not live forever; they could be gone in a blink of an eye. For this reason, family and the time one has with them should be cherished. one must cherish his beloved ones and make use of every single minute of life with his loving and supportive parents and be of support to them just as they were to him when they need him just as they were there for him when he was in need because life is short. Make use of life when you can.

The Remedy of Feeble Minds

               "Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand." This quote asserts and alludes that a mystery is the cornerstone of curiosity and wonder which in return, instigates, triggers and intrigues one's surge and craving to unveil the unknown and to fathom and decipher what is yet to be discerned and decoded . This applies to superstitions, the mystery of all mysteries, for they still stage themselves as an annoying enigma concerning whether they are true or not. Superstitions, beliefs that are not based on logic or reason, promise to protect one from harm and to affect his luck. As such, people tend to embrace such beliefs for innumerable reasons. The major causes behind believing in superstions vary between psychological and social.

Education as a Must


      “Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave.” This quote portrays the significance of education as a cornerstone in building one’s personality, life, and being or identity. This is the inevitable outcome for the importance of education which needs to be encouraged due to its importance for two main reasons. governments should enforce education to maintain the well-fare and well- being of their societies and communities. After all, the quote “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” is unquestionably true as long as people are wise while exploiting it.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Who is good teacher?


A good teacher can inspire hope ignite the imagination and instill a love of learning. From this point, there is an important concept in the field of education: The child-centered curriculum. However, what does it mean? Why is it important? This issue has a changed the perspective of education and guided the students on the right track through their educational journey.  As the quote says it is not about what the teacher cover; it is all about what students discover. In this quote, there is a certain hope that lights up the tunnel of education. 

Education is the gate of knowledge and exploring sciences and we should not only focus on what the teacher needs, instead let us observe the child’s need to make them participate in the play of life to be a verse in it. Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

The advantages of engaging students in true dialogue rather than IRE CYCLE


“We define our identity always in dialogue with, sometimes in struggle against, the things our significant others want to see in us. Even after we outgrow some of these others—our parents, for instance—and they disappear from our lives, the conversation with them continues within us as long as we live.” (Taylor, 1994)


   Dialogue is one of the best vehicles for learning how to think, how to be reasonable, how to make moral decisions and how to understand another person’s point of view. It is supremely flexible, instructional, collaborative and rigorous. At its very best, dialogue is one of the best ways for participants to learn good habits of thinking. True dialogic teaching involves ongoing talk between teacher and students, not just teacher-presentation. Through dialogue, teachers can elicit students' every day, engage with their developing ideas and help them overcome misunderstandings. A true dialogue sparks engaged learning through an open exchange of perspectives that deepens students' understanding of an issue or topic. The true dialogue process promotes analysis of course content and encourages reflection. Dialogues provide a means to encourage inclusive practices in the classroom.

Research shows that students engage when they act as their own learning agents working to achieve goals important to them. In addition, it will allow students to work autonomously and with others, developing their sense of competence, results in increased student motivation. Furthermore, having a dialogue with others is the best way to resolve issues with people. Agreeing to one will make everyone calm even before it starts. This will provide a much better atmosphere for laying down each other's side. The exchange will most likely end on a true agreement or at its worst, an agreement to disagree state. Finally, engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level critical thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experiences.  

Teaching: Student-Centered or Teacher-Centered


The prospect of a world full of selfish and self-centered inhabitants is a frightening one indeed. However, as we critically reflect on the language used in early years curriculum documents, we wonder if the discourses of child-centeredness that pervade our curricula put children at risk of developing into such individuals. What might a discourse of child-centeredness in our curricula be perpetuating in children and how they understand themselves and their place within the world? Further, what does a child-centered curriculum mean for who we are as teachers?

   Briefly speaking, child-centered curricula is an approach that encourages learners/ students to take learning on their own hands, as opposed to being prompted by a teacher. Whereas children take responsibility for making choices about what they learn and explore. Teachers listen for cues and watch interests develop to create an appropriate curriculum for each individual.

  The importance of such kind is stated in the child’s holistic development. It will enable the child to make decisions and solve problems. In addition, it allows the child to develop confidently and independently. It also works on the enhancing the self-esteem of a child where he can feel comfortable with who they are.

  Finally the principles for selecting the content of a certain curriculum that are based on  organizing the learning contents, the curriculum organizer must take into consideration the principles on balance, articulation, sequence, integration, continuity

“What matters is not what any individual thinks, but what is true. A teacher who does not equip his pupils with the rudimentary tools to discover this is substituting indoctrination for teaching”.


“An Analysis of the Concept of Education”, is an interesting chapter due to the essential core that holds in the field of education. R.S. Peters was able to familiarize this concept through different points and perspectives through the uses, observations and the criteria.

  What I liked mainly in Chapter 3 are two points: The Enlightenment Use of Education and The Knowledge Criterion. Starting with the enlightenment use of education, where R.S. Peters connected education to the human achievement and to the development of mind to be wrapped with knowledge and understanding. I was interested in this point since education is a topic that has been addressed by great thinkers of every culture throughout time. Due to its importance and complexity, it is a topic with a very wide scope. Education ignites the fire of knowledge and thus it can enlighten the road of literacy. It is important, in my opinion, to distinguish between education and schooling idea and should be understood properly. We can’t assume that who goes to school is educated and a good education means good knowledge, at the end the enlightenment role of education paves the way towards different aspects of knowledge and by different sources.

For the second point which I was interested in: the knowledge criterion. This point specifically shows how the relationship between the education and knowledge is strong a tight. Both of them cannot be separated because education without knowledge is impossible and vice versa, as R.S. Peters said. In addition, R.S. Peters was magnificent in showing us the quantity of knowledge (breadth) and the kind of knowledge (depth). These two factors ae very important nowadays especially in the educational process to build the student’s knowledge base, which contribute in enhancing the source of information in this student. Add for that, when education relies on knowledge, a new concept will be emerged: The 4Cs: critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity. This is what is called the real education and R.S. Peters was able to explain it in his logical technique in the analysis of education. 

Education is weapon against literacy and the torch that enlightens the tunnel of ignorance. Education when it is accompanied with knowledge, a new society will appear and creative ideas will be taken into consideration. R.S. Peters delivered a message for the next generation to be armed with true education and shielded with knowledge.

My Perfect Teacher

  Every person is impressed, imprinted, and influenced by someone who is inspiring and constructive to the extent of hoping and having the g...